Whats up all!!! Well, Yup!!!! I made it to the great Country of Norway. It was a very very long day yesterday traveling, but glad to make it here safely and with all my gear. Also, random… I ended up bumping into my teammate on the plane and we traveled together. 1 plane, 1 train and 4 buses later we ended up at our sweet condo that 11 of us team members are staying in. We have a few rooms split btwn us but overall its quite comfortable. The team has for sure welcomed me as part of the group which has been awesome. Today was the first training day…… wow….. these guys are good. I can see why this is the World Championships that I am at.. cuz these guys can flipping ski. All and all, good training day for me. Looking forward to the first the day of competition tomorrow. Heading to bed early……