ACL SURGERY! Rehab week 5

Week 5 is over and done with. I am learing very quickly that this rehab process is full of ups and downs. I have awesome days where I see great improvement and then other days when I see no progress at all.
This past week, we really focused on my range of motion. Due to all the constant swelling I am struggling to progress with range of motion (ROM). Kind of bummer, but I am still stuck at 120-130 degrees. But there is hope….I will be heading to a friend of mine who is a massage therapist where she will be working on my knee/leg 4 times a week. I went to her a few days ago and wheewwweeee she freed up some passages up on my upper leg for the swelling to disappear too. Haaaaah.. Apparently opening up the quads/hamstring/hips passages really help the swelling move away from the knee.
Kinesio Taping!! Wooaaa. Yes, I am fan. Kristen over at Howard Head threw on some Kinesio Tape, basically holding my knee cap up a bit. Ahhhh… Its Awesome. Would definetely recommend it.
Got in the pool in Week 5!! Probably my first time ever breaking a sweat in a pool. Yea, they, and they being Barb (my other therapist) worked me!!

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