Race Results: Austria

Well first off…the World Cup race organizers switched the race event today to a Sprint Classic.  It was going to be a Classic but due to better weather conditions on the weekend they switched the Classic to Saturday and the Sprint Classic to today.

All and all a good day.  I did not ski my absolute best unfortunately but rather just good.  There were 46 competitors and I skied to a 27th place.  I was extremely sloppy when it came to penalties.  I was tagged with 9 seconds worth of penalties and that is just not going to get you a good result.  But I managed to stay on my feet and make it to the finish with no injuries.   I spent a lot of time watching the other competitors today…..and man these guys are good.  Really Good!!  It is such a good experience being able to watch the best guys in the World.

At the end of the day, I skied a World Cup.  Got some great experience and learned a few things.  Our time in Austria is coming to a close.  Tomorrow is the Classic.  We just had a team meeting and the course is expected to be 3 mins long.  That is REALLY long.  Today’s course was only a minute long…ahhhhaa.  Tomorrow should be a fun one.   True test on your fitness.  Tomorrow I will be wearing bib 19 which is better then 27th or 28th (what I had the other races)  Typically the earlier you go the better course conditions you will have.   Excited for tomorrow!!!  3 minute long course……wow.


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